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2nd LTTA Erasmus+ Meeting at Episkopi Secondary School

Episkopi Secondary School in Limassol, Cyprus hosted the 2nd LTTA meeting of the Erasmus+ No one stays behind project between 6th and 10th November 2023.

During this exciting and highly interesting week, the participants engaged in a variety of project related and cultural activities. Indicatively, the visiting partners were welcomed at Episkopi Secondary School by the school Headteacher, members of the teaching staff and several students who performed traditional dances and treated their guests with various local delicacies. Afterwards, the visitors were guided around the school premises in order to get an idea of how a typical secondary school in Cyprus operates. On the rest of the days, the guests were given the opportunity to visit places of cultural and historical significance, such the ancient theatre of Kourion and the Temple of Apollon Hylates in Limassol and the Archaeological Museum, the Imprisonment Graves and the Green Line in Nicosia.

In terms of the project, the participating partners made brief presentations on the outcomes they have accomplished so far regarding the project. Respectively, the Slovenian team, which is responsible for R1- a digital application for android and iOs devices, presented the work that has been done on the application and involved all partners in a workshop where the NSB ERASMUS- PROJECT application was put into use and ideas were exchanged for further improvements that could be made, so that the application will be more user-friendly. The Cypriot and Italian teams, which are responsible for R2- ‘The Role of the Mentor in 1 minute’ e-book, presented the content that has been included to date in the e-book. The Portuguese team, which is responsible for R3- Digital guide – “Summer School … implementation and constitution manual” proposed a topic (i.e. Sustainable Cities) that the subjects taught during the Summer School can focus on. Lastly, the Turkish team, which is responsible for R4- Digital and interactive evaluation management platform, presented the surveys and questionnaires that have been produced to this point for the assessment of the project. What is more, the partners participated in the coordination and planning of future activities as well as the dissemination of the project in the following months.

Moreover, in view of the fact that the Cypriot team, in cooperation with the Italian team, is responsible for the production of the e-book ‘The Role of the Mentor in 1 minute’, the participants attended a lecture by Dr. Elena Christofidou, Project manager of In Service Training Program for School Leaders at Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, on the topic ‘Mentoring Headteachers: An innovation of In Service Training Program for School Leaders in Cyprus’. The lecture offered the participants an enlightening insight into the importance of mentorship on multiple levels.

Finally, in light of exchanging good teaching practices, an Ancient Greek language workshop was held in a B class (8th grade) with the cooperation of Classical Studies teachers, Ms. Maria Usenza, who teaches at a high school in Sicely and Ms. Troodia Sofokleous Palaiologou, who teaches in our school. During this workshop, Ms. Usenza made a thorough presentation as regards to the historical background and the huge impact of the Ancient Greek language on a number of other languages. In addition, it emphasised the contribution of the ancient Greek civilization to humanity on the whole. Through this unique experience, the students grasped the significance of their Greek inheritance.

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