NSB No One Stays Behind and its partners visited Slovenia. SERŠ Maribor hosted Learning Activities of the project, focused on the STEAM methodology. During the whole week (8. – 12. of May), all partners were exchanging know-how and best practices on this learning approach, and had the oportunity to network and to strenghten connections!
During 5 days, NSB partners participated in different workshops focused on this topic, in study visits to Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko (University of Maribor), COBISS – poti do znanja, IZUM Maribor (IZUM University), and had the oportunity to make an overview of the results achieved so far in the project and to discuss the next steps to take towards NSB results.
In addition to all these activities, the hosts also prepared very interesting visits to Maribor that allowed partners to know the city and what it has to offer.
It was definitely an enrichening experience for all.